About Tyler

Tyler is the heart of the Brooks Healing Center; his vision is to guide others to find their own recovery and to thrive in life. Tyler was fortunate to have lived through his addiction and now finds fulfillment in serving others. Tyler has worked in the substance abuse field since 2015 and felt convicted to build a place where individuals are loved until they can learn to love themselves. Tyler has the love and support of his family as he continues to provide care to those who have lost themselves along the way.

Tyler is the father of three daughters, Charlotte, Isabella, and Olivia. Tyler’s wife, Gina, supports the Brooks Healing Center’s vision, and she shares his passion for helping others as well. Tyler has a story to tell and is willing to share his experiences, good or bad, with anyone. Tyler feels that Brooks Healing Center is the way he gives back for all he took when he was using. For the past seven years, Tyler has gone above and beyond to share his recovery and loves the life that recovery has provided him.