Brainspotting Therapy in Tennessee

Unraveling The Mysteries of Brainspotting: The Revolutionary Brain-based Therapy

Brainspotting, an innovative type of psychotherapy, is gaining traction as a potent tool in the mental health field. This revolutionary therapy harnesses the power of the brain to delve into the deepest recesses of trauma and help individuals navigate their way to healing.

Understanding Brainspotting

Brainspotting, often abbreviated as BSP, is a therapeutic technique discovered by David Grand, Ph.D., in 2003. It is a brain-based therapy that leverages points in a person’s visual field to access and process traumatic memories trapped in the subcortical brain. The subcortical brain is the area responsible for emotions, consciousness, learning, and motion.

The fundamental premise of brainspotting is that “where you look affects how you feel.” According to this theory, the direction of your gaze can impact your emotional state and thus influence the therapeutic process. This groundbreaking concept has led to the training of over 13,000 therapists worldwide, signaling the growing acceptance and application of this relatively new therapy.

How Brainspotting Works

How Brainspotting Works

A brainspotting session is a therapeutic journey guided by a trained therapist. It begins with some relaxing breathing exercises, possibly accompanied by bilateral sound delivered through headphones. These preliminary steps help the client to achieve a state of mindfulness and relaxation.

Next, the therapist helps the client identify a place in their body where they feel the most distress. This discomfort is then ranked on a scale of one to ten. The therapist then assists the client in finding their “brainspot,” the point at which their eyes naturally focus when the physical discomfort peaks.

At this stage, the therapist may choose to adopt either an “Outside Window” or “Inside Window” approach. In the “Outside Window” approach, the therapist observes the client’s gaze and recommends a point. In contrast, the “Inside Window” approach involves the client identifying the point to process.

Brain Spotting
Brain Spotting

The Benefits of Brainspotting

Brainspotting therapy has been found to be beneficial for a myriad of issues, especially those linked to trauma. It can provide relief for individuals battling anxiety, attachment issues, substance use, chronic pain, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and Major Depressive Disorder.

In a small study, participants reported a reduction in PTSD, anxiety, and depression symptoms after only a few sessions. Other benefits noted included a decrease in pain, a reduction in negative thought patterns, better sleep, and increased energy.

The Effectiveness of Brainspotting

While research on brainspotting is still in its early stages, preliminary studies suggest that it may be more effective than EMDR or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Unlike these other modalities, where patients’ symptoms returned at the 6-month follow-up, patients who underwent brainspotting continued to improve even after their treatment had ended.

However, as brainspotting is still relatively new, there is limited research on its long-term effects. It’s also worth noting that while brainspotting does not require as much reliving of trauma as EMDR, it does involve discussing painful memories and feelings.

Getting Started with Brainspotting

Brainspotting is a specialized form of therapy that requires trained therapists. If you’re considering this therapy, it’s important to find a therapist, like those at Brooks Healing Center, who are certified in brainspotting.

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